Privacy Statement

Terapia is committed to protecting your personal information. Being transparent and providing accessible information to our service users is important to us at Terapia and is a legal requirement under the Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Regulations (2018).

This Privacy Notice reminds you of your rights, in compliance with the above legislation, and reflects how we collect, use and safely store the personal information you share for:

  1. Communication concerning training, therapeutic services, and legal duties such as safeguarding and child protection.
  2. Effective management of individuals information records.
  3. Ensuring the quality of your training/care and achieving the best outcomes through service audits, monitoring and retrospective review.
  4. Therapeutic Service’s participation in health and social care research.
  5. Managing and planning our services to ensure appropriate care is in place for our students and clients.

This Privacy Notice applies to individuals accessing Terapia’s website and outlines how your personal information is used lawfully to help us best deliver our services to you. Specific privacy policies relating to Terapia students (child and adolescent psychotherapy and counselling trainees), clients, private hirers, job applicants or employees can be obtained by contacting Terapia at:

Who is Terapia?

Terapia was founded in 2003 and is one of the UK’s leading child and adolescent psychotherapy and counselling training organisations; validated by Middlesex University and accredited by the United Kingdom Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP). 

We also provide specialised mental health services to children, adolescents, parents/carers, families and professionals working with them. Terapia’s mission is to improve the mental health and wellbeing of children and young people, their families, parents/carers and the professionals working with them.

Terapia is a UK registered charity (number: 1144041) and registered company (number: 5523517). For the purposes of this Privacy Notice Terapia is the ‘Data Controller’, by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) definition, for any personal data we hold about you.

What information does Terapia collect and use?

Terapia recognises and strictly adheres to its responsibility to process your personal information fairly and lawfully, whether it is received directly from you or from a third party in relation to your care. Personal information refers to any data that relates to an identified or identifiable individual. The information we collect from you, or about you from a third party involved in the delivery of your care, might include, yet is not limited to, the following:

  • Basic information e.g.  name, date of birth, full address including postcode.
  • Contact information e.g.  email address, phone number, emergency contact details.
  • Information shared when you submit an enquiry, complete a referral form, make a booking, share a comment or complaint, respond to a survey.
  • ‘Special category’ data or ‘sensitive’ information you may choose to share with us to help us ensure our services respect your needs e.g.  diversity information, specific education needs, health-related information. 

Why does Terapia collect and use this information?

Terapia uses the information that is collected for a number of reasons, each assists us to pursue our legitimate interests as a provider of psychotherapy and counselling services.

Some of the reasons your information may be used are as follows:

  • To provide you with the services you request.
  • To support your care needs.
  • To keep in contact with you.
  • To develop and improve our services. 
  • To notify you of eligibility to a service you may be interested in. 
  • To safeguard service users, particularly children, adolescents and vulnerable adults.

If you choose to share personal feedback on your experiences of accessing our services, additional explicit consent will be sought from you directly if this information is then requested for use e.g. for use in training, a case study, marketing material, research. 

Any information will be processed in accordance with current data protection legislation, as outlined by this Privacy Notice. 

How does Terapia collect my information? 

Your information will be collected electronically via website enquiries and requests for information or is shared by you via email, telephone or in person. In addition, you may choose to share your information in a physical format. 

Our services are used by people of all ages.  Young people aged under 13 years must obtain a parent/carers consent before providing personal information to us. We will not collect any personal information relating to young people aged under 13 years without this consent.

How does Terapia maintain the confidentiality of my information?

We are strongly committed to protecting your privacy. Every Terapia employee, and where relevant every Terapia student (child and adolescent psychotherapy and counselling trainee) in a Therapeutic Service’s placement, is made aware of and complies with their legal obligation to maintain the confidentiality of your information. Personal information will only be shared if this is required to fulfil our duty to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, adolescents and vulnerable adults, in this instance access to information will be limited on a ‘need-to-know’ basis; visit Gov.UK to read more about how information might be shared in-line with ‘Working together to Safeguard Children’ (2018) statutory guidance. 

To keep your information safe, we adhere strictly to the following guidelines:

  • We maintain secure systems to protect your personal information.
  • We ensure digital forms containing personal information are encrypted and our digital network is appropriately protected.
  • We ensure access to personal information is limited to the appropriate staff and Terapia students in a Therapeutic Service’s placement, and information is only shared with organisations and individuals that have a legitimate and legal basis for access. 
  • We conduct regular training to raise awareness of legislation and regulations relating to this Privacy Notice.
  • We do not store any personal information on our website.
  • We only hold personal information for as long as is deemed reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was collected, or for which it was further processed, and we will respond to requests to remove personal information promptly. 
  • We will never sell your personal information to a third party

Terapia student’s information will be stored on our ACT database. Terapia reserves the right to store and process information securely outside of the UK and European Economic Area (EEA), however this will only occur where we are satisfied with the company’s level of security.

Please be aware of the risks in sharing information over public networks. If you are concerned that your personal information may have been compromised (e.g. your website password has been discovered by another individual), please contact us immediately at:

How long will Terapia keep my personal information?

Personal information will only be held for as long as is deemed reasonably necessary to fulfil the purposes for which it was originally collected, or for which it was further processed. The type of information, the amount of information, the sensitivity of information and any statutory requirements (e.g. information relating to child protection) will be taken into consideration when determining a reasonable timeframe. 

Information regarding child and adolescent’s personal information (e.g. child protection related documents such as Section 45 and Section 17 requests and reports, end of therapy reports) will be stored until the child/adolescent is 25 years of age, in accordance with guidance provided by the Information and Records Management Society (2016). Where information is to be retained for extended periods of time due to statutory requirements or to enable a child/adolescent to access their information at a later date, the reason for retaining the information will be clearly stated. Information stored will be regularly reviewed and when it is no longer required to be kept it will be destroyed by file deletion or where a physical copy is held it will be shredded and disposed of via a confidential waste bin.

Who will Terapia share my information with?

There are certain communications we need to share with you in order to provide you with our services (e.g. appointment reminders, waiting list announcements, Terapia training registration confirmation, notices about your payments, changes to a password); we call these ‘service communications’. In some cases, we work in partnership with other organisations to enhance our services and your experience with us; your consent will be sought for this, unless this communication is with statutory services and needs to be kept confidential  in order to protect a child, adolescent or vulnerable adult in-line with government safeguarding guidance. We will never sell your personal information to any third party for marketing or other purposes.

We may share information with third party organisations who provide specific services on our behalf (e.g. they will receive and manage information submitted via the ‘sign up’ sections of our website, provide e-newsletter services); these organisations act as ‘Data Processors’, by the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) definition. Our current Data Processor partners include, yet are not limited to, Mailchimp and ACACIA Marketing.  Use of services provided by our partners will be subject to the terms and conditions and/or privacy policies of these third-party organisations.

If you wish to unsubscribe from any marketing received, click the unsubscribe button on any communications to update our system. 

Do I need to give Terapia my consent?

Consent means offering people genuine choice and control over how their personal information is used. However, consent is only one potential lawful basis for processing information therefore it is unlikely we will require explicit consent for every instance of processing and sharing your information, on the condition that the processing and sharing is carried out in accordance with this Privacy Notice.

What will happen if I withhold my consent?

You have the right to write to withdraw your consent for any instance of processing at any time, provided consent is the legal basis for the processing. We may keep information of how you have used our services however this information will be non-identifiable. Please contact Terapia on: 020 8201 6101 or at: for further information.

What are my rights to access my information?

The Data Protection Act (2018) and General Data Protection Regulations (2018) allows you to find out what information is held about you in electronic and/or physical format, ask us to correct any information we hold about you that is wrong, ask us to stop using your information and request a copy of your information; this is known as the right to ‘subject access’. If you would like to have access to all, or part of, the personal information held about you, you can make a request to us and we will respond within one month.

If you would like access to your personal information, please submit your request in writing to:   Data Protection Officer, Terapia, The Bothy, 17A East End Road, London. N3 3QE.

What are Cookies and how does Terapia use them?

Our website uses cookies, in accordance to current Cookie law, to help us facilitate and improve your browsing experience. 

Cookies are small text and numerical files that transfer onto your device when you use a service. Cookies can include: ‘First-party cookies’ – placed directly onto your device by us and used by us only, to provide you with better access to our site and help improve our services to you. ‘Third-party cookies’ – placed onto your device by websites and/or organisations other than us, to enable you to join our mailing list and provide us with data for sharing relevant and/or requested information with you.

Before cookies are placed on your device, a notification will be displayed requesting your consent to use those cookies, consenting to these will provide you with the best possible site experience and service. By default, most web browsers accept all cookies, you can change this to enable and disable all, or third-party only, cookies. You can choose to disable, switch off or deny consent to some cookies, however certain features of our site may depend on particular cookies to function; Cookie law deems these to be ‘strictly necessary cookies’. You can also choose to delete any cookies stored on your device, at any time, however this may cause you to lose information such as login details therefore slowing down your access to our site.

Visit to find out more about different types of cookies  and how to utilise these to your advantage in a secure way.

Contact Us, Concerns and Complaints

If you would like further information about this Privacy Notice and/or Cookie Policy, have a concern, or wish to make a complaint, in the event that you feel Terapia has not complied with the current data protection legislation you should raise your concerns, in the first instance in writing, for the attention of Terapia’s Data Protection officer at:       

Terapia, The Bothy, 17A East End Road, London. N3 3QE.

If you remain dissatisfied with our response, you can contact the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) for advice and support at:       

Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire. SK9 5AF.

ICO Enquiry Line: 01625 545700 ICO Online:

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